Does your job require you to sit in front of a computer all day? If you use a laptop, desktop, or other PDA with any regularity, it’s not uncommon for your monitor or screen to get dirty over time. The accumulation of fingerprints, dust, film, and static, along with the action of coughing or sneezing, can cloud your screen’s visibility. The reduced visibility resulting from dirty computer monitors can lead to squinting, eye strain, and headaches…but that’s not all!
In an effort to see better, users tend to lean forward in an unnatural position over their computer. Repeatedly hunching over one’s computer places additional strain on the neck, shoulders, and back. Such are just some of the painful symptoms resulting from what is known as Sitting-Down Syndrome, a condition that can result in shoulder pain, back pain, tight chest, hip pain, lower extremity pain syndromes, breathing dysfunction, and more.
Chiropractors caution against using household window and glass cleaners to keep computer monitors and screens clean. These cleansers contain ammonia and other chemicals that can compromise, degrade, or even permanently cloud the viewing service, thereby rendering them unusable in the process.
To properly clean your computer screen, turn your monitor off, and/or unplug it altogether. Lightly dampen (but do not soak) a clean, soft cloth with water. Next, using a circular motion, wipe the screen to eliminate streaking, and apply only light pressure. Finally, let the screen air-dry, and/or gently wipe it dry with a fresh cloth. Once the screen is completely dry, plug your computer back in and turn it on.
Although your computer monitor is bound to get dirty sooner or later, keeping it clean can go a long way toward preventing the painful symptoms of Sitting-Down Syndrome.
Thankfully, the highly-trained chiropractors at Wasserman Chiropractic can provide treatment to alleviate pain associated with Sitting-Down Syndrome. Contact us today to discuss a treatment plan that will help reduce symptoms associated with Sitting-Down Syndrome!